Former FBI agent Ben Hansen travels to US locations where extraterrestrial encounters took place to uncover secrets on UFO, alien life forms and alien technology.
- Investigates close encounters of the US military with "tic tac" shaped UFO's and how the US government tried to keep it a secret for a long time
- Travels to UFO crash sites in America and investigates how these extraterrestrial incidents are all linked to one another and how the military tried to cover up the evidence.
- Tries to find proof that the US government attempted to recover UFO technology from UFO crash sites and reverse-engineered it to create a secret "alien high tech" aircraft.
- Investigates incidents of close encounters of the third kind
- Uncovers the evidence of a US government cover-up of mass UFO sightings that happened in 1997 at Phoenix, Arizona
- Investigates claims of alien abduction and experiences of being subjected to physical experimentation.
- Travels to Dulce, New Mexico to investigate claims by local eyewitnesses about the allegedly secret underground alien base there and the reports of UFO sightings, alien abductions, animal mutilations and human experimentation
- Investigates evidence of alien abduction and physical experimentation of human reproductive organs in an attempt to crossbreed alien-human hybrids.
"If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me?"
Witness of Another World |
Volcanic UFO Mysteries |